What's Next: NYU Madrid Spring 2013

Flight Options

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As you know, you are responsible for booking your flight to Madrid. While you may choose to purchase your flight at any time and through any carrier, we recommend using NYU’s preferred partner, Egencia, to buy your ticket. If you book as part of the NYU Madrid Spring 2013 group through Egencia, your flight details will automatically be transferred into NYU Traveler at the time of booking, so you will not have to register the flight again. Please see the following egencia-instructions for info on how to book your flight through Egencia.  You will need to have submitted your confirmation by Wednesday, 10/17 in order to see the flight options.

To log into Egencia to search for and book your flights, you will need to use your NYU netID (this was in your acceptance email) and NYUHome password.

Visiting Students: if you haven’t yet activated your NYUHome account, you’ll need to do that before you’re able to book your flight. To get started, go to http://start.nyu.edu and follow the prompts.

Egencia is the business traveler arm of Expedia and, like Expedia, it’s a site aggregator. You can use it to compare flight costs across sites and also to book your travel.  Egencia guarantees the lowest price within 24 hours – so if you booked a flight through Egencia but found the same flight cheaper elsewhere, you could send them a screen shot of the lower price and they’d match it (must be a difference of more than $10).

The other advantage of using Egencia to book your flight is that your travel information will automatically feed into NYUTraveler, an online forms system where all students going abroad must submit their flight information. This information is then made available directly to site staff, so they will know when to expect you and if there are changes or delays to your flight. Additionally, the information is available and searchable by NYU Public Safety, who can assist you in case of emergency. If you don’t book through Egencia, we will require you to enter your flight details in NYUTraveler. Booking through Egencia saves you that extra step!

If you book your flight outside of Egencia, please follow the below instructions to submit your flight details via NYU Traveler:

1.      Go to www.nyu.edu/nyutraveler

2.      Click on Register

3.      Click on New

4.      Follow the prompts to enter your travel information. On the Itinerary information page, select “Business” Travel. You will just want to “Add Air Leg” (you can ignore car, hotel and rail legs.) If you have questions about filling out this form, please refer to this worldcue-self-registration-guide.

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